Fighting & Magical Talents
Fighting Talents
Armor Master
You gain proficiency in either light armor, medium armor, heavy armor, or shields.
Stacking Talent
This fighting talent may be taken multiple times. The effects of each instance of this fighting talent are applied independently.
You may use your reaction to make a melee weapon attack against a creature when they attempt to leave your reach.
Battle Trance
As a bonus action, you may enter a battle trance. This trance lasts for 1 minute. It ends early if you fall Unconscious, if you have a Near-Death Experience, or if your turn ends and you haven't hit a creature or received wounds since the end of your previous turn. While in this trance, you either gain +2 defense against all damage or you gain a +1 bonus to your first attack roll on each of your turns (your choice each time you enter this trance).
Leveled Talent
This fighting talent may be taken multiple times to increase its level. For each level above the first, the defense bonus is increased by 2 and the damage bonus is increaesd by 1.
When a creature within your reach makes an attack against a target other than you, you can use your reaction to make the attack hit you instead. If the attack fails to wound you, you may immediately take one action as part of your reaction.
Dual Wielding
You can use your bonus action on your turn to make an attack using a weapon with the Secondary property.
Mage Slayer
You have practiced techniques useful in combat against spell-casters, gaining the following benefits:
- When you wound a creature that is concentrating on a spell, that creature suffers a -1 penalty on the Sanity check it makes to maintain its concentration.
- You gain a +1 bonus on checks against spells and tricks cast by creatures within 5 feet of you.
Stacking Talent
This fighting talent may be taken multiple times. The effects of each instance of this fighting talent are applied independently.
When you make an attack against a creature that is Blinded, Crippled, Deafened, Frightened, Paralyzed, Prone, Restrained, Stunned, or Unconscious, you gain a +1 bonus to the attack roll.
Stacking Talent
This fighting talent may be taken multiple times. The effects of each instance of this fighting talent are applied independently.
You gain +1 Defense against physical damage.
Stacking Talent
This fighting talent may be taken multiple times. The effects of each instance of this fighting talent are applied independently.
Risky Attack
When you make an attack, you may take a -1 penalty to the attack. If you hit, you gain a +1 bonus instead.
Stacking Talent
This fighting talent may be taken multiple times. The effects of each instance of this fighting talent are applied independently.
Second Wind
Once per short rest, you may spend a bonus action to recover from 1 wound.
Stacking Talent
This fighting talent may be taken multiple times. The effects of each instance of this fighting talent are applied independently.
Weapon Master
You gain proficiency in two weapons of your choice.
Stacking Talent
This fighting talent may be taken multiple times. The effects of each instance of this fighting talent are applied independently.
Magical Talents
Abjurer's Ward
You gain +1 Defense against elemental damage.
Stacking Talent
This magical talent may be taken multiple times. The effects of each instance of this magical talent are applied independently.
Item Enchanting
When you take this magical talent, choose three spells. You may use those spells when enchanting an item.
Once per short rest, you may enchant an item. To do so, touch one nonmagical item, and pick one of the spells you selected when you chose this magical talent. Expend mana and other required components as if you were casting that spell at novice proficiency. The targeted item is now enchanted. A creature may activate an enchanted item, which casts the spell the item was enchanted with as if the user was casting that spell, but without any mana or component cost. Alternatively, you may specify certain conditions, which when met (and only when met) will automatically trigger the spell. All other restrictions and rules specified by spells still applies.
Stacking Talent
This magical talent may be taken multiple times. Each time you choose this magical talent, select three additional spells. Those spells may be used when enchanting an item.
Arcane Recovery
Once per long rest, you may at any time choose to regain one expended mana.
Stacking Talent
This magical talent may be taken multiple times. The effects of each instance of this magical talent are applied independently.
Cautious Evocation
When you cast a spell that has an area of effect, you may choose one creature to not be affected by the spell.
Stacking Talent
This magical talent may be taken multiple times. The effects of each instance of this magical talent are applied independently.
Far Casting
Once per short rest, when you cast a spell or trick that has a range of 5 feet or greater, you may double the range of the spell. Alternatively, when you cast a spell or trick that has a range of touch, you may make the range of the spell 30 feet. You may expend 1 mana to regain the use of this feature at any time.
Holy Rites
You gain +1 Defense against spiritual damage.
Stacking Talent
This magical talent may be taken multiple times. The effects of each instance of this magical talent are applied independently.
Subtle Casting
You can ignore the requirement for either somatic or verbal components when casting a spell, but not both at the same time.